picture of chalkboard and camera with words "Order fall pictures"
picture of canned goods with words "Clemson vs. Carolina Food Drive November 18-26"
notepad with words "Weekly Update"
student dressed as wicked witch
Images of Catawba Nation drummers and words "Catawba Nation Drummers Performance Tuesday Nov. 26"
Note pad with words "Weekly Update"
note pad with words "Weekly Update"
Wonza Johnson, Broadway actor, standing in front of backdrop for "The Outsiders - A New Musical"
girl with piggy bank, graduate in cap and gown, money on trees
Wizard of Oz poster
pad with words "Weekly Update"
blue background with words "Book Fair Oct. 28 - Nov. 1 8 AM - 3:30 PM Media Center"
blue background with flag and words "Veterans Day - Honoring all who served, Thursday, November 7th"
note pad with words "Weekly Update"
Lancaster County MLP logo (Multilingual Learner Program)
notepad with words "weekly update"
Andrew Jackson Middle School logo with words "Veterans Day - Honoring All Who Served, November 7th @ 10 am, AJ Visual and Performing Arts Center"
notepad with words "weekly update"
Burgandy background with words "2024 Red Ribbon Week Contest Drugs: Never Worth the Chance"
black background with words "8th grade field trip - Lancaster Career Center"